FTP Subusers
Create FTP subuser accounts grant file access to others.
Revivenode offers the perfect plans for all your web hosting needs, from simple usage to community grade. You can easily create email accounts and subdomains, all from the comfort of our easy to use web panel.
You've selected 7GB of Server Disk
All the languages we support in our webhosting plans.
Gold Web Host
Unmetered Bandwidth
15 Domains
15 Subdomains
20 Databases
200 / day outgoing
Check out what we have in store for you.
Create FTP subuser accounts grant file access to others.
Easily create and link databases to your web host.
Use our built-in file manager to easily access all of your files.
Easily create and modify records directly on our panel.
Set up and use our free SSL service for your website.
Easily create as many email accounts as you need on your domain.
Easily change your website's PHP version to match your needs.
Comfortably install and use WordPress with just a simple click.
Do you have any questions? Here are the most frequently asked questions we receive.
Revivenode provides budget-friendly servers with no compromise to performance. Kick start your journey today with a server for friends or build your own community using Revivenode.
Registration Number: 2022-001074784
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